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Cancer Healing Affirmations

My Vibrant Healing, Radiant Health Affirmations
- 2014-06-01 (v2.0 2014-06-30)

I created the list with the help of my friends as well as quotations from relevant authors.

"I open my heart and sing the joys of creativity." (L.H.)
"I move beyond old limitations and now allow myself to express freely and creatively." (L.H.)

"I lovingly forgive and let go of all of the past." (L.H.)
"I love and approve of myself." (L.H.)

"I express myself freely and creatively." (L.H.)
"I am free to be me — it is safe to grow up." (L.H.)

"My fiery energy within keeps me vital, safe, healing and radiant!" (D.K.)

"I focus on joy in my life." (J.L.)
"I visualize what healthy cells and organs feel like in my body." (J.L.)
"My body is an incredible healing system." (J.L.)

“I am living with cancer.” (not: I am dying from cancer.) (J.H.)

N+1 Optimism:
   "I am gaining strength, courage and confidence with this experience." (E.R.)
    "I embrace this health challenge as an adventure." (E.R.)

"I surround myself with people committed to my thriving!"
"I’m so loved because I love so many people." (A.R.)

"I am a healthy man with a healthy lifestyle."
"I am having a complete recovery."

"I’m creating an integrated process of soul retrieval." (J.H.)
"I choose the next step as the best path for a long and vibrant life." (J.H.)

"All we need is Faith and Trust, and a little bit of Pixie Dust." :) (L.L.)

Note: A counterproductive affirmation would be: "I will live forever."
Why is this counterproductive? Because the only cells in our body that are immortal are cancer cells!

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