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A Summary of Steps to Restore Healthy Cell Energy Alignment (or My Natural Healing from Cancer Without Invasive Chemotherapy or Radiation)

A Summary of Steps to Restore Healthy Cell Energy Alignment (or My Natural Healing from Cancer Without Invasive Chemotherapy or Radiation)
{ originally written: Oct 10, 2015; updated: 2024 }

My cancer healing strategy is based on an integration of many information sources, together with wisdom from healers and practitioners and friends that I trusted.  

Note: My approach used both medical doctors and acupuncturists for guidance. I did not overwhelm myself with every wild cancer "cure" described through the years and easily found today on the Internet. Rather, my recovery was based on bio-chemistry and holistic healing.

  The general idea/strategy is 3-fold:

1) I must adopt new attitudes for living. Attitudes like:
    “I am having a complete recovery.” (even when I feel terrified)
    “My body is an incredible healing system.”
    “I am living with cancer.” (not: I am dying from cancer.)

2) I must turbocharge my immune system.

3) I must deprive the cancer cells of their optimal ecosystem for growing and multiplying.

  To elaborate on each:

1) Adopting New Attitudes
Essentially, Eastern medicine considers that Cancer is a manifestation of a chronic imbalance in the system (body). Ideally, energies should be in balance throughout our bodies for optimal health as maintained by our immune system. Otherwise energy is continuously (and unnecessarily) spent to bring the body back into balance. Therefore to maximize available energy for immune system, I must address system-wide ("systemic") issues to get my body back in balance.  This attitude will also serve to prevent the cancer from recurring.

In contrast, Western medicine until recently has operated on the assumption that “Cancer = Death” and therefore uses a "kill it before it kills you" paradigm.  Since 2011 the area of immunotherapy, pioneered by 2018 Nobel Prize winner Jim Allison, points the way to the future, and away from the predominant practices of chemotherapy and radiation. Reference [9]

Other language in our culture includes: "battle with cancer" and "beating cancer". But considering that cancer cells are my cells, too, (they all have my DNA after all!) this all amounts to civil war.  I would rather adopt the attitude of "transforming” or "metabolizing” cancer cells rather than killing them…

Recents studies have shown that a person can recover from any "stage" of cancer (the labels that Western Medicine puts on cancer progression).  And a person with cancer must believe without a doubt that they can and will recover.

    a) Acupuncture: rebalances various energies inside the body. Reference [8]
    b) Learn and practice non-dual-state meditation at least 5-minutes/day.  The non-dual state of consciousness is the optimal healing state for the body. Reference [2]
    c) Detoxify the body:  lose fatty tissue that holds the toxins in our bodies by using a medical food like: UltraClear Plus pH or Ultra-InflamX Plus 360. Following a detoxification regimen will be painful, and after a couple of weeks of rigorous discipline, energy levels will soar in your body.
    d) Build a list of affirmations (here are mine).
    e) Enlist the commitment of my closest friends to my vitality and for my support.
    f) Prioritize one (1) joyful event or activity per day!
    g) Yoga and Qi Gong are also about balancing and gathering the body's energies.

2) Turbocharging My Immune System
I must give my immune system every advantage to get rid of the cancer cell population. I learned that everyone on average, has about 750,000 cancer cells in their bodies at any given time, but our immune systems normally handle them easily.  But when the energy imbalances in my body become too great, then the cancer cells have the opportunity to multiply into the 100's of millions which become more than our immune systems can handle.

    a) Deep Sleep.  Slumber!  (no caffeine or stimulants to disturb sleep). Reference [2]
    b) Laughter: watch comedy films/YouTube videos; read funny books. References [3] and [13]
    c) Boost oxygen levels in the blood. I learned that Oxygen boosts the performance of white blood cells (T-cells) in the immune system performance 33 - 50%. Reference [1]
      - Aerobic exercise regularly to boost oxygen levels (but not too much exercise which can deplete energy!)
      - Take Germanium supplements. Germanium is an oxygen carrier.
      - Sip Oxygen from an Oxygen concentrater machine (or oxygen tank) while watching a movie.
      - Introduce Oxygen-producing plants into the bedroom and living areas  Reference [12]
    d) Directly stimulate the immune system:
                Vitamin D3 (10000mg/day), along with Vitamin K and K2 to mitigate side-effects
                Time-release Vitamin C (3000mg)
    e) Take anti-carcinogenic supplements: a Reshi mushroom blend + pancreatic enzymes.

3) Depriving Cancer Cells of Their Optimal Ecosystem
I learned cancer cells have on average 24 times the number of receptor sites for sugar on their cell walls than normal cells.  So they get the sugar first! Sugar is the ultimate fuel source for cancer cells to grow and multiply. References [1] and [7] and [14]

Furthermore, Western medicine uses PET scans to detect cancer within the body by introducing a short-half-life radioactive sugar which will light up cancer areas because they get the sugar first, and yet I wasn't told by my Western doctors to stop eating sugar! In fact there are articles from medical-advice websites stating not to avoid sugar!

    a) Therefore eat absolutely No Sugar.  And that means No Fruit (except perhaps raspberries & blackberries)—especially no apples & oranges!
    b) Use no artificial sweeteners either. No Alcohol (highly caloric).
    c) Minimize high-glycemic foods: breads, rice, pasta and potatoes.

The idea here (and is becoming much better understood) is that we can’t perfectly avoid carbohydrates, but the rate of their metabolism in the body is the critical factor.  “Slow-burning”, complex carbohydrates (and fats and proteins) will not feed cancer cells at the rate that they normally enjoy from simple carbs like sugars. You will get your energy primarily from protein and fiber.
Eat alkaline-forming foods:
I learned that cancer cells only grow in an acidic environment! And one way to hinder their growth is to eat foods that metabolize as alkaline. This is not a vegetarian diet, or an organic (pesticide-free) diet, but an alkaline diet!

A general rule of thumb is 4 times the volume of alkaline to acidic food per day. Reference [5]

    d) Eat lots of alkaline vegetables: dark green vegetables like zucchini, kale, green beans, bok choy, collard greens, etc.
    e) And juice vegetables to continue detoxification: carrots, celery, lemons(yes, lemons are alkaline forming!) and combine in blender with some greens.
    f) Eat Protein: non-fat greek yogurt, quinoa, etc., egg whites and boiled ham for protein.
    g) I adopted a regimen of eating one avocado per day, and having a continuous supply of tabouli salad made with quinoa (instead of bulgar wheat) on hand.

I learned a lot by reading the book The pH Miracle Reference [5] I found lists of alkaline-forming foods (on the Internet), although many lists contradict each other. pH is a 0 to 14 scale where 14 is most alkaline.

Perhaps more helpful is the newer PRAL(Potential Renal Acid Load) scale where 0 is neutral, positive numbers are acidic and negative numbers are alkaline.

In 2018, a color PRAL chart listing most common foods in the Austrailian (and by implication, American) diet lists the PRAL values for various foods grouped by acid-forming and alkaline-forming.

For example, the PRAL values for animal foods such as egg whites are least acidic, followed by boiled ham as compared to shellfish and corned beef.

    h) One of the very simplest (and least expensive!) way to alkalize my system is to drink one glass of water with 15ml (1/2 teaspoon) of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) added, before going to bed. It’s the highest pH (14) alkaline food available! However, ingesting more than this amount per day can neutralize too much naturally healthy stomach acid needed for digestion, and create excessive salt in your system.

Avoid acidic-forming foods:
    i) Avoid beer, pickles, fruit juice, most animal foods: red meat, chicken, some fish (especially sardines), etc.
     j) Avoid fresh mushrooms, etc.

Sardines and mushrooms (among other foods) are high in purines that are the cause of uric acid crystal formation—which in excess causes gout. No sugar and no fruit juice would, for example, make orange juice one of the top foods to absolutely avoid!

Fermented Wheat Germ Extract formulation (FWGE)
    k) FWGE mimics sugar to cancer cells and clogs up their receptor sites for sugar, and they starve.
FWGE must be taken on an empty stomach and no eating is allowed for 2 hours before or afterwards.

For non-hormonal cancers, consider taking Avemar FWGE (AWGE) tablets (see Wikipedia). FWGE was a Fermented Wheat Germ Extract formulation developed by five Hungarian cancer doctors in 1997. It’s available to order online in the United States. There are research papers about its effectiveness for ovarian cancer, and pet animal cancers at the USA NIH (National Institutes of Health). A full set of over 100 publications and clinical studies of the efficacy of FWGE and cancer is in Reference [6]

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