References for Natural Cancer Healing [1] “Cancer is Curable Now” 114 minutes, Canadian documentary by Marcus & Sabrina Freudenmann, 2011. Max Awareness Productions < > A collection of interviews and statements by various international doctors on alternative modes of cancer healing. The first 2/3 of the presentation criticizes current conventional treatments: particularly chemotherapy and radiation that have the unfortunate side-effect of killing and scarring healthy tissue adjacent to cancer tumors. Plus chemotherapy employs pairs of toxins that suppress immune system function as well as inducing new cancers. Strategies gleaned from viewing the last 1/3 of the film include: 1) Cancer cells have 24 times the number of receptor sites on their cells walls for sugar compared to normal cells. Therefore do not eat any form of sugar. 2) Detoxification can free up more energy in the body to power the immune system. 3) Suffici...
1) A Summary of Steps to Restore Healthy Cell Energy Alignment
(or My Natural Healing from Cancer Without Invasive Chemotherapy or Radiation)
2) A chronological account (as separately dated postings) of how I pieced together a self-styled, integrated approach to healing as I proceeded through dozens of appointments with medical professionals both in Western and Eastern medicine.